Thursday, December 23, 2010

Amazing Grace

The Bible says to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord." It doesn't say we need to be in tune :-)
We had a fun morning of singing in PJ's. At the end of Amazing Grace, Brodie wanted to sing "Jungle Balls" - better known as "Jingle Bells".

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Discovery of the Whoopee Cushion

After getting sealants on their teeth at the dentist, Blaize and Brodie came home with the prize they chose - a whoopee cushion. Of course, they had to try it out on their sister after receiving meticulous lessons on placement for best effect.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What's for dinner? "Kitchen and Tomatoes!"

Tonight we had chicken and potatoes for dinner . . . pronounced a slightly different way :-)

Friday, December 3, 2010

An Encounter With The UPS Man

Upon arriving home from Wednesday night church, the kids happened to see the UPS man running to our front porch, drop off a package, and run back to the truck. They started laughing and laughing, thinking it was the funniest thing. As soon as they got out of the van, a few of them ran to the front door to mimic the UPS man while the others laughed hysterically. Here is a picture of Brodie doing his best high-speed UPS imitation.